Hollywood Star’s Racy Tweet About Ryan Gosling Goes Viral

Anna Kendrick, Ryan Gosling
Anna Kendrick, Ryan Gosling

American actress Anna Kendrick might have tweeted her mind in a ‘so unfiltered’ way, but there isn’t filtering in honesty. Kendrick just tweeted the way she felt, but her tweet has now gone viral with over 25,000 retweets. For Kendrick, life goes on as she is not shy about telling the world how she feels about fellow actor Ryan Gosling.

The ‘Up in the Air’ star may not be the only woman to feel that way about Gosling, but she turned being the only woman with the guts to spit it out.

Some call her tweet racy, some said she was just being her funny self, while others said it was irreverent. Whatever the right word is for her tweet, one just wonders how awkward her next meeting with Ryan Gosling would be…maybe not awkward at all if I know Anna well; that was just another joke from her.


“Ugh – NEVER going to a Ryan Gosling movie in a theatre again. Apparently, masturbating in the back row is still considered “inappropriate” – Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47) January 14, 2013.