9-Year-Old Girl Gives Birth To Baby Boy


A girl became pregnant in Mexico at the age of just eight.

The girl, now nine and named only as Dafne, has just given birth to a baby boy in Jalisco state, Mexico.

The father of the baby is a boy of 17 – who the girl’s mother says is missing after running away.

Jorge Villasenor, with the state prosecutors’ office, said: “We are looking for the young man to get his story because she does not understand what has happened.

“This is a rape or child sex abuse case.”

The baby girl was born on January 27 in Zoquipan Hospital, weighing 5.7lbs.

Mother and daughter have been released and are doing well, but due to Daphne’s age the hospital said it would have to do extensive follow-up sessions.

Source: UK Sun


  1. Pals,with the recent happening. I dont think this very earth will reach the year 2015,the world is no longer controlled by God to some extent.every awful thing has been done,i.e;a 12yr old boy,becomes a father,a 9yr old girl gives birth,a transexual(a boy’s genital organ changed to a girl’s).and animal/human sex.what next is remaining,nothing again is new.dont be deceived,this is the End time.the earth is expired,rapture is inevitable,any time form now.it will be crystal clear,its not an advert.

  2. For those of u doubting, This is 100% possible. There are people who mature earlier before the normal age range we all know. In medical theories, there are rare exceptions. This is not the first time such a thing is happening.

  3. Its true dat fools are evrywer! How can any1 dat is educated believe dis cooked up story,its so paper-thin dat it can blow away with d wind. U go2 skul doesnt mean u r educated though. Go and revise ur biology

  4. And listen 2me all u unreasonable moslems. The world is not comin to an end..till all of us,born-again christains vacate d earth in rapture…then d antichrist wil appear and torment d world then togeda wit u…u stil hv d chance 2 gve ur life to christ*evang ifeanyi okonkwo* is my facebook name,reach me and i wud councel u

  5. Incredible! How did it happen? In Biology we were told that a girl becomes matured in terms of puberty @ 12 years old & not 8 yrs. Does it mean the ovarian part is activated by glands, hormones like ostrogen & mestrogen @ d age below 12 years? I really cannot descern how a woman get pregnant @ 8 yrs. How can her ovaries release eggs @ that age without artificial aid? This is clinically & Physiologically weird & eerie.