Pastor Must Offer Sacrifices For Killing Snake – Anambra Community

snake on bed

An altercation has ensued between members of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, PFN, and Umuoji community in Idemili North Local Government Area of Anambra State over the killing of a snake in the community by the Overseer of the Mercy Throne Assembly, Umuoji, Rev Jude Chubueze.

The community believes Chibueze had desecrated the land by killing the snake, as snake killing in the area is a taboo, and they had gone ahead to seal his church with palm fronds.


The matter has been taken to the Anambra State Police command which is trying to mediate between the two parties to avoid a breakdown of law and order, and assure a peaceful resolution to it.

Reacting on the issue, members of PFN under the aegis of Umuoji Gospel Ministries Fellowship led by Pastor Celestine Ekpunobi, yesterday, described the tradition that forbids the killing of snake as barbaric, adding that such law should only concern the pagans.

Rev Chibueze said a snake stormed his house at night when members of his family were already sleeping. He said he heard his children screaming and rushed there to find a snake where his children had been sleeping.

“When I got to their room, I saw a big snake lying with them and I had to kill it and threw it into the nearby bush. The following day, some community members marched to my house and accused me of killing their god. They beat me up mercilessly.

“They wrote a list of items amounting to N54,890 which they said I should buy to appease their god. Being a Christian, I told them that it is against my faith and more over, I killed a snake and not a human being.”

One of the community leaders, Chief Paul Edekobi said, instead of the pastor doing what he earlier agreed to do with the community by providing the items, he dragged them to Ogidi Police Station where six of the community leaders were arrested.

The Chief threatened that what he did was capable of wiping out his entire family if sacrifices were not made to appease the gods.

“We do not want to destroy his property and that is why we used the palm fronts to tie round the church to stop him from worshipping there for now,” Edekobi said.

But the pastor said: “What they are talking about is not tradition; they see the killing of a snake as a taboo in their world of idol worshipping and not same in Christian faith

“If they do not desist from this act, our next port of call will be the court for the enforcement of our fundamental human rights.”


  1. Dat’s truely barbaric indeed. Imagine wat God himself cursed. Snake is an arch enemy to man from the point where man disobed God. Among all animals, snake is the most dangerous animal. And somebody somewhere is saying dat’s his/her god. 21st century abomination. Dat community had better repent and give their lives to Christ now there’s still time. Every sunday they will all troop to church and come back to their various houses to worship their idols. Abominable community!

  2. The bible says: touch not my anionted and do my prophet no harm! If they do not want d wrath of God 2 strike them, they should leave dat Man of God alone n give their life 2 Jesus before its too late.

  3. God said to Pharao, let my people go and he refused to let them go and that caused him all the first born sons in his land and when he pursued the worshipers of God into the welderness, it caused him the whole armies of Egypt. Therefor, whatever wount let you go will go down for you.

    I decree therefore that those envolved in the sealing of that church to start going down one after the other after the order of pharao in Jesus name! AMEN!

    • It is either the Pastor is out to cause mischief or create confusion. As an IGBO man born or living within this area. He knows the difference between a snake (Agwo) and what we call EKE which is what the traditional worshippers here revere. You don’t tell me that we Christians should disrespect other ppl faith just because it doesn’t tally with ours. In western Nigeria churches and mosque are built side by side and they still show mutual respect te one another.That snakes are killed or not is not the issue here. The Pastor did kill the EKE to show off. Respect it reciprocal. I just hope the Pastor will tune down his words or less and I do not pray so he might be asking for more than what he bargained for.In IGBO land just as there are Christians, there are pagan worshippers and all have there rights and you do not come to a community and fraught there beliefs and custom and expect and applaud.

      • is just a way of causing problem in the community, u said the snake was lay with yur kids without hurting them, that show you that it doesnt mean any harm, why we normally cause problem this days because of religion? am seeing u as a fake pastor, anywhere you are leaving you have to respect their culture, you did this so that your mumu followers will believe you strong to tackle there problems, sorry u are just puting yourself on a hot soup in the name of religion we are copying, to me am a muslim believe in my God and not ready to hurt a fly in de name of religion, sorry for this novice of religion. know who u are worshiping. worship the God u av yur fait on, and let them do there own in there ways.

      • Can’t you read in between lines what happened. Did the Pastor say he went to their shrine to kill their god(snake)? Rather the serpent came into the children bedroom. If you were the one what would you do? The action the Pastor took at that time was the best option.
        Rather than blaming the Pastor, the community should hold their idol responsible for allowing a sacred snake to sneak out of it’s den. Not only that, if the said snake is potent, then let’s see it. How can a mere mortal fight for a god in the name of tradition. Let the god fight for itself. Shame on all idol and satanic worshipers in this 21st century.

  4. is that means they’re still worshipping idol in some part of Nigeria? God, be merciful unto ur children in dis nation……. No wonder peace is afraid to reign in Nigeria. May the spirit of God lead them to give their lives to our Lord Jesus…. Finally, may God save them from His wrath.

  5. Can u imagine what community elders ar sayin dat d Pastor kill their gods in dis ages of ours. Why did they allow their gods 2 intrude d Pst’s house? If not dat it’s a powerless gods, must it be killed by any1? They better repent now.

  6. What he killed was a python(eke), not snake(agwo) as he claims. In the whole of Idemili local government area it is an abomination to kill the python(eke). So the man saying he killed a snake is lying. He should face the consequences.

  7. D man of God didnt invite d snake into his house. Ur very stupid to say that abt d man of God. What was ur so called …………..snake doing in his house? For light has nothing in common with darkness

  8. I belive that from the look of the pastor’s name, he is an igbo hence he cant play ignorance of the igbo culture and tradition. Let me put one thing clear here, no igbo community forbids the killing of snakes but rather, what most of them forbids is the killing of the phyton snake. The species of this kind of phyton are the small kind and not the gaint anaconde, which can strangle adults or babies to death. Phytons generally do not contain venoum and as such, is not of any danger to mankind.
    I am a christian and an igbo too but we should learn to respect each others religion. If the traditional worshipers sees that phyton as their god, we outher to respect that as long as it does not pose any danger to anyone. What the pastor did was purely an intended act of sacriage as he has not demonstrated any act of being remoseful.
    May i also point out to some people that thought that this act is diabolic that even in the westrn world today, their are laws that now forbids the killing of wildlife animals so that they dont go into extinction.
    What the pastor has done is wrong and by his action has distorted the cordial relationship that has exsisted between his church and the community.involving of the police is not and will never be the best approch in dealing with such issues as this.

  9. I belive that from the look of the pastor’s name, he is an igbo hence he cant play ignorance of the igbo culture and tradition. Let me put one thing clear here, no igbo community forbids the killing of snakes but rather, what most of them forbids is the killing of the phyton snake. The species of this kind of phyton are the small kind and not the gaint anaconde, which can strangle adults or babies to death. Phytons generally do not contain venoum and as such, is not of any danger to mankind.I am a christian and an igbo too but we should learn to respect each others religion. If the traditional worshipers sees that phyton as their god, we outher to respect that as long as it does not pose any danger to anyone. What the pastor did was purely an intended act of sacriage as he has not demonstrated any act of being remoseful.May i also point out to some people that thought that this act is diabolic that even in the westrn world today, their are laws that now forbids the killing of wildlife animals so that they dont go into extinction.
    What the pastor has done is wrong and by his action has distorted the cordial relationship that has exsisted between his church and the community.involving of the police is not and will never be the best approch in dealing with such issues as this.

  10. @john, let me not say you are stupid, but you are just Ignorant, let me ask you a question, did the pastor go to their shrine to kill their deity(eke), cant eke differentiate between the people that reverence it and real christians, if it is really what you belive it is?, mean while let me put you through eke as you refered to it is just a name of a specie of snake as there are others like aka, abuani, ubi, echieteka, etc.
    And let me warn you still if you are Christian you better be but if you want to return to your root paganism you better be out, because the the Bible had already warned you that if you are neither hot not cold GOD will spew you out of HIS mouth. God bless you.

  11. Lolllllzzzz. Funny comments! Eke should defend itself. Y should people fight for their gods? That is y I take Christianity over any other faith because Christians allow God to fight for Himself: no beating or killing of people, no sealing of worship places and definitely no jihad or appeasement sacrifices! Loooolll

  12. @mike so what you are insnuating is that He should be remorseful for killing your devil eke which is a specie of snake, ike gwuru unu bu ndi iru abuo, one leg inside the church the other inside your shrine(okwu-nmuo). Read my previous comment and learn to be wise. Thanks brother.

  13. In Igbo land is a taboo to kill an eke,when u go to idemili is everywhere,u see it everywhere u go,even the place u don’t expect to see them as Christians we already knw is a taboo killing them so what we do is to chase them out with sticks and not killing them,bt for the pagans they are happy to see them around there home,the pastor should seek the face of God before doing anything even the bible said u should give Caesar what belongs to Caesar.

  14. From the beginning,God had already declared man and snakes as Enemies .irrespective of what you think,I and most people will rather be comfortable sitting side by side with a lion than a snake. God cannot be killed bro,.if Eke was killed,then,it had never being a God. Please,Let the Eke stay away from danger (christians) because either right or wrong, they are enemies!!!

  15. U people are doing mistake,even in bible there is some animals u dont kill or eat. In igbo land some dont use to kill rabit,some,snail,then generally u dont kill this particular python EKE.this culture and tradition in igbo land.the pastor should do whatever the ask of him,bcos d snake in question is friendly ,it’s not poisonous neither is it harmful

    • which animal is not killed in the bible?
      Peter’s Vision
      Acts 10: 9-15

      9 About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. 10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. 11 He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. 12 It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. 13 Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.”

      14 “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”

      15 The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.

    • you said christian are worshiping JESUS.that name was given to the whole world by GOD almigty for salvation of all not His parent.JESUS is divine as your Qauran stated.note religion can’t save u from hell.JESUS said I am truth,the way and the life .don’t look at what today christian are doing ,search the bible and work out salvation,bcos you can’t escape if u ignore eternal life from GOD through Jesus HIS servant .religion can be confusing but Jesus is sure .

  16. Wonder shall neva end,any gods dat fail †̥ fight for itself is notin but a firewood.ωε shd learn †̥ stop fightin for god in dis country n allow gods †̥ fight their dat ur god is dealth,what wil now hapen?wil it ressurrect on the 3rd day.

  17. @all d pro-tradition ppl. Nonsense!!!! I’m igbo. N if i find any snake in my compound(talkless of in my house), i wud kill it, cut off its head n burn it. D snake,weda its their god or not, shud steer clear of a xtian’s house were it’s not welcome. Darkness hs no business with light! Na d pastor fuck up. Him for just burn d snake so dt no carcass wud b found. D pastor might only hv bn wrong if he hd killed d snake outside his compound. I can’t bliv educated ppl r condemning dis pastor. Dt wud show u d kinda education we hv these days. Ppl go tru western education bt western education doesn’t go tru them. Na wa o!

  18. For those who said python is harmless n d4 shld not be killed, pls d goat, chicken n cows u kill n eat, how harmful re they? If u dont know, it was python (serpent) that d devil used to deceive eve dat brought abt damnation to d whole world. It was its calm nature that made eve listen to it. It is false to say pythons are not killed in d whole of igboland, in my village we kill it n some ppl even eat it. We dont regard it as any god. Well, now that their god is dead, is it not better they turn to d God that lives 4ever? Pastor dont worry, we re praying 4 u, salvation must surely enter that community in Jesus name.

  19. It quite unfortunate that some people are still in a darkness,I will like 2 cast light on some certain issue,even u are a learned fellow or not,let sighted it from d eran of Adam & Eve in d book of Genesis,God have departed & forbid a mere relationship of his creation and so called snake,God said we & d snake will be an enemy for each other,so why are we hiddind under a captivity of a devil that once decieved our forefather that made d will of God carted away from us,God has made us a king above all what he creatd,so why some people call snake their gods? I pray that people of such should know God before seen death,cos hell fire is real. They shall all go & sin no more 2gether with d people supporting d delvish act of d community,so you will not be a pertaker in d fort-coming wrath of God.

  20. do u guys know what a totem is?u better read up and find out.cos i believe in all areas,there is always something object, animal that is being treated with care, which does not harm the people,in some places its snail,tortoise,scorpion,cobra,etc different things. so before anybody start talking about what he or she doesn’t understand he or she should first ask and research.

  21. Please how old is this pastor ? And how old is his church ? This man called pastor is more than 30yrs and now has wife plus children . And not a visitor and eat foods , drink water from his native land . Also school at this vilage . So pastor you are not aware about Eke or not Eke ? Can Jesus act this way ? No ! Pastor , just want us to hear your name . And better don’t kill eke again in your native land any more since from your 5yrs old , you can’t tell us you or your parents , brothers don’t understand the law of your land . You understand your mission or may be you want to test what the native law of your land can do with the of Jesus abi ? Can you visit the native land of Jesus and act in this way . In my own understanding you are fake fake pastor . Please read and read your bible . Ok ! What’s Love , Peace in your own undersdanding . Please Love all, Harm no one and oby the law of your Land !

  22. Hmmm! Al those claiming Christainity nw, it’s easier said than done! Race for salvation is personal, u dont decide for others hw to live their lives. Even God Himself didn’t decide for us how to live our lives. He created evil nd good in other for us to make a decision nd choose which one or way to go. He is nt foolish to have given us the freedom to good nd bad, light nd darkness in other for us to make a choose. Even the bible says giv unto ceaser what blongs to ceaser nd to the gods what belongs to the gods. That is y that eke or whatever it is called is a god! Because men giv to it in other to survive. In if men must give to it wat it needs for survival, then men must fight for it too! That’s why Jehovah God is supreme over al gods. For me, i dnt think al this ranting is necessary, jst leave a man to its Faith because God did d same to us! If the igbo’s say Eke is their god therefore it shouldn’t be killed, then let them be! Al that pastor needs nw is hw to come out of this mess, nt police case. There is no culture without a custom, norm, values, rites of passage, folkways nd mores. Culture is particularistic, culture differs frm one place to the other, culture is specific. In place of Ethnocentrism came ”CULTURAL RELATIVISM”. This is Culture shocking, but ther is always a way out of a problem. No condemnation pleas! God is God, nd gods ll alwys remain gods.

    • The same bible your claiming says Exodus 20:3

      Exodus 20:3.Thou shalt have no other gods before me. So, yes those”gods” exist and God has given us free will to chose but his law standeth sure! Who ever worships anything else in the name of custom or tradition is condemned already.

      Matthew 22:15-22
      Paying the Imperial Tax to Caesar

      15 Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. 16 They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. “Teacher,” they said, “we know that you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are. 17 Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay the imperial tax[a] to Caesar or not?”

      18 But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? 19 Show me the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a denarius, 20 and he asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?”

      21 “Caesar’s,” they replied.

      Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”

      22 When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away.

      You said he should give to ceaser what belongs to ceaser but the same Bible says “give to GOD what belongs to GOD”. So, now that “giving to ceaser” that you claimed in the Bible is conflicting with giving to GOD that is in the same Bible….which of the bible verses is superior? Exodus 20:3 or
      Matthew 22:15-22.
      Remember that as little as giving attention to other activities even your Job at the expense of your relationship with God is idolatry. Talk more of worshiping a snake.

      Daniel was prime minister in Babylon. A LAW OF THE LAND was enacted that he should worship the king(a human) not his GOD. he stood his grounds. GOD delivered him from the consequences (being thrown into the lion’s den) of his stance for GOD meaning GOD supported what he did.

      I am not arguing about a culture i do not know. But if you have another argument, bring it up. But don’t use the bible to justify idolatry. it doesn’t work. GOD is not an author of confusion.

  23. the pastor did a mistake, he wud have prayed and release d power of God on that snake b4 killing it so dat all d worshipers of dat snake will no there is only but 1 true God and him alone deserved 2 b worship. if dat snake does not want 2 die wat is it doing in a man of God’s house

  24. na wa o, why r plp so babaric, even d so called christians are still defending dis stupid tin called tradition, a snake is a snake eke or what eva bull shit its called. If i find that kind of thing lyin wit my children, harmin or no harmin, i will do d same thing d pastor did, even worse dan just throwin it, but burnin it to ashes….Rubbish… Christians supportin dis maddness are ignorant plp. They dont knw dat jesus is d way d truth and d life and theres no other way to heaven but tru Christ. Yeye folks

  25. The Pastor was rights the Snake invaded his children bed room. his house he is not a woshiper of the Serpentine Spirit. The qestion is Why did the Serpentine intrude into his privacy. in Genesis 2 the Bible says curse be the serpent. if not because those people are fully A.T.R Woshipers, Pastor fogive them for they no not what they are doing. this will open a new page of break 2ru and penetration of your gospel in the land. God bless you Pastor. You will win the case in Jesus Name. but next time burn it 2 ASHES AFTA KILLING OK. So that there wii be no Evidence against you and the church.