Death Rumour: Akran Of Badagry Decries Negative Use Of Internet

Aholu-Menu-ToyiThe Akran of Badagry, Aholu Menu-Toyi 1, has said that he is not dead as being reported in some quarters.

He told the   News agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Badagry, Lagos that the news that he was dead was false.

He appealed to members of the public to discountenance the false news.


“For over a week, the palace has been inundated with stories via the phone and social media, particularly the internet, about my death. As you can see, I’m very much alive, enjoying a remarkable healthy lifestyle and attending to the day-to-day royal engagements within the kingdom, the state and the nation.

“By the grace of the Lord almighty, I’m sure that I still have a long time to live on earth, so, I’m going to be here for a long time,” he said.

The traditional ruler expressed worries that the internet was frequently used to spread false information

“Presently, the internet, which is regarded as a versatile information communication technology, is being negatively used by international criminals, who have no respect for the truth but relish in unethical practices.

“At all times, it is imperative to promote veracity and transparency in all our dealings as global citizens and unwholesome, unjustifiable and anti-social news must be completely avoided.” Akran added.