Looking For A Wifey: New York Surgeon Offering Plastic Surgery In Exchange For Dream Dates


Dr. Emil Chynn — New York’s pickiest bachelor — is still looking for love, and in such unique ways.

After finding little success when he posted a personal ad in the Spring 2012 issue of Columbia University’s alumni magazine, offering a $10,000 charitable donation for an introduction to the right woman, the Ivy League-educated surgeon has a new offer — hook him up and he’ll fix you up.


Chynn, who runs a Park Avenue LASEK eye surgery practice is now offering cosmetic procedures to those who can find him the right lady. After a recent networking event, Chynn sent out a mass email explaining how it would work:

The good doctor will shell out $100 for finding him a first date. If there’s a second date you could receive free eyelash-enhancer Latisse or $200. On the chance a third date should take place, Chynn would offer free Botox or $300; free Juvederm injections or $400 for the elusive fourth date, and free Lasek surgery on one eye worth $2,000 or $500 cash for that magical fifth date.

If you’re thinking to yourself, “this sounds like a pretty good deal,” and you know tons of eligible women that would love to date a successful doctor, think again. The reason Chynn has yet to find his match, is that he’s quite possibly the pickiest man in New York City.

The qualities he’s seeking in a woman have not changed since he posted his 2012 personal ad, and he’s very, very specific. The following is just a few of the criteria a woman must meet to be considered a match for Dr. Chynn:

Age 27-35 (ideally 28-34)No kids, wants kids in the next 1-2 years

College graduate, doesn’t have to be a great school, but needs to have finished the degree

Skinny (i.e. dress size 0-2, if you don’t know what that means (many men don’t) it means very skinny)

Caucasian (not black, not Hispanic, not Asian)

Healthy lifestyle (defined as no smoking, no drugs, good diet, no hard drinking.


It’s been a few days since Chynn sent the email, and he’s only had two set-ups, and — shocker — he rejected both of them because they didn’t meet his sky-high standards.

“The yield is very low because I’m so picky,” he told the New York Post in an interview. “I’m not crazy I just want someone who’s the right age and same the same sort of education and we’re compatible and loves me for me.”