ASUU STRIKE: “We Are Tired”

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has called on well meaning Nigerians to prevail on members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities to call off their three months old strike in the interest of Nigerian students who are currently idling away.


The Union noted that it could no longer continue to tolerate the protracted strike which has perpetually made Students jobless and idle.

Addressing a news conference in Akure, the Ondo State capital, NANS National President, Comrade Yinka Gbadebo urged the striking lecturers to call off the strike in the interest of building intellectual capacity for National development which is sacrosanct to the future of the country.

Gbadebo who was flanked by the union’s National Financial Secretary, Comrade Timileyin Ayenuro, an indigene of Ondo State, said it has become imperative for the students to call on ASUU to reconsider its present adamant stand on the continued closure of the Universities.

He said,”We must as Nigerians accept that the problem with our Universities have developed over decades and would therefore be unimaginable that ASUU with its present stand want it totally resolved within a spate of four years that this agreement was signed.

“Objectively, ASUU is expected to expect that the demand for an unproved standard of education in Nigeria shall continue as long as our quest for development as a Nation remains on our investment in the Education sector.

“We hereby disagree with ASUU on the notion that a release of N400 billion per annum as been demanded will face out the mirage of problems confronting the education sector in Nigeria today.

‘While the Government in an unprecedented manner had shown responsibility and concern by releasing N100 billion for infrastructural development in our Universities including State owned, ASUU should reconsider their position”.

Gbadebo said the agreement between the Federal Government and ASUU is frivolous and self-serving to the interest of the striking lecturers alone.

He pointed out that it has become imperative for the Government and ASUU to understand the significant position of Nigerian Students before entering into any agreement.

He added, “While we may not want to go deep into other details of the Federal Government and ASUU agreement which are hitherto considered by us as frivolous and self-serving to the interest of ASUU alone, it is expected that ASUU must at this point bring to the fore the interest of Nigerian Students whom they have been claiming to be fighting for by engaging the Federal Government in further dialogue, while returning to class without hesitation.

” NANS is no longer comfortable with the attendant consequence of the incessant strike on the lives of Nigerian Students and social implication on the society at large.

“If cumulatively in the last 10 years we have lost 30months to strikes by ASUU which is enough to produce a graduate in our Universities, then the question is what have been the gains and the potency of strikes as a weapon when Students are always at the receiving end.

“We are now calling on every well meaning Nigerians to prevail on ASUU to resume negotiations with the Federal Government and reopen the Universities without any further delays.

We can no longer continue to tolerate this situation which has perpetually made us irrelevant at the point of arriving at these conclusions by ASUU and the Federal Government”.


  1. Dis guy must ve been bribed by FG (my thought shaaa) cos he is not speakin lyk a leader n 4 d interest of most Nigeria students n d general public… I do nt concore entirely wit ASUU resolvin issues wit FG in strikes but when FG fails 2 listen 2 on issues concerning our education sector, agreement dy entered in 2009 witout implementin, d same agreement was reviewd in an MoU in 2012, yet dy did nt implement it nor make provision 4 it in 2013… I think ASUU has no choice… Besides, d key issue now is 2 improve d Nigeria students who d same govt officials term “unemployable” but most of d govt officials ve a degree or 2 from d same Nigeria Universities… Let me remind my dear Comrad d@ FG was quick 2 implement fuel susidy removal as was recommended by IMF but refuse 2 implement d 26% of budget 4 education as recommended by UNESCO… Why??? These r both organisations representing d world… I’m defending ASUU cos he has defended FG already… I know ASUU has their short coming as he puts it “selfish” but I think, truth b told ASUU IS RIGHT on dis particular strike n I ll advice dem 2 claim dir right so d@ we do not go bck 2 strike in d near futur… In summary, my Comrad shd try n blame both FG n ASUU 4 d hardship caused on Nigeria students… I speak as a Nigeria student… Greatest Nigeriaaaaa Studentssssss…!!!

    • Obinna,thanks.FG hv to b blame nt ASSU…my Position ASSu shuld continue strike until our demand is met.ondo state student comrade ws bride,he is confused guy.400,000 of thousand graduate witout job,60m nigerian ar jobless.schools r nt equip,we all need to sacrefice dis period to achiev standard Education in Nigeria for ourself n future coming generations.we shuld support ASSU

    • I want to tell you that those NANS guys prostesting are as seseless as our government that signed an agreement but refuse to honour it since 2009.

      The NANS is one of the most corrupt organisations in Nigeria, I can categorically tell you that there is a guy called TK, a member of Ondo State NAOSS and NANS who graduated from the Ondo State School of Heath Technology, Akure, since more than 3 years ago who is still a strong member of NAOSS cum NANS in Ondo State and gets all the “goodies” that comes from government.

      Instead of the nincompoops to appeal to government, they’re busy dong some payed protests. Inasmuch government refuse to honour the agreement they signed, the strike should continue, they should all go and learn a trade!!!

  2. I want to tell you that those NANS guys prostesting are as seseless as our government that signed an agreement but refuse to honour it since 2009.

    The NANS is one of the most corrupt organisations in Nigeria, I can categorically tell you that there is a guy called TK, a member of Ondo State NAOSS and NANS who graduated from the Ondo State School of Heath Technology, Akure, since more than 3 years ago who is still a strong member of NAOSS cum NANS in Ondo State and gets all the “goodies” that comes from government.

    Instead of the nincompoops to appeal to government, they’re busy dong some payed protests. Inasmuch government refuse to honour the agreement they signed, the strike should continue, they should all go and learn a trade!!!