Hold My Husband Responsible If I Die, Wife Of Enugu Gov Tells NHRC

Mrs. Clara Chime
Mrs. Clara Chime

Wife of Enugu State Governor, Mr. Sullivan Chime, has called on the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to deliver her from her husband.

In a petition to the commission, Mrs. Clara Chime accused the governor of an abusive relationship that has led to her suffering from depression, adding that the governor has locked her up in a room and denied her access to her four-year-old son and visitors.

The petition of the governor’s wife read:

“I have been married to Governor Sullivan Chime for five years. It has been a somewhat tempestuous relationship, which has virtually irretrievably broken down in the past couple of years.

“We do not have a relationship anymore and the situation inevitably led to my nervous breakdown. I have been diagnosed with severe depression and at some point was quite suicidal.

“The strategy of my estranged husband is to subject me to the most horrific and intolerable of conditions to cause my demise but my strength and will to live has kept me alive. It is very difficult to outline everything happening to me here but I shall enumerate the major issues below:

• Not had s*xual relationship with my husband for four years;
• Deprived of all my responsibilities as a wife;
• Prevented from bonding with my four-year-old son;
• Barred me from receiving visitors, whether family or friends;
• In the last three weeks, a lady friend who visited me was stopped from seeing me and the result is now complete incarceration from the outside world;
• In effect, I am locked up in my bedroom, without access to anybody.

“I am only allowed food but no access to fresh air; I have been locked up because I demanded to leave, even without my son. Governor Chime recently revoked my land allocation; the governor is doing everything possible to break my will.

“All I want and demand is to be allowed to leave. If I have committed any crime, I request that due process should be followed. I was also recently attacked by my husband before the visitor mentioned above who is a living witness and will be prepared to testify.

“I am falsely being imprisoned and the state House of Assembly should be made (to be) aware of this.

“My husband pays a doctor to inject me with all sorts of drugs. I have the capacity to decide whether or not I need the treatment. On occasions where I had refused the medication because of the intolerable side effects, I was restrained and given it against my will. All my rights are being violated.

“I would also wish the Nigerian Medical Council be informed of the activity of this doctor who is only interested in my husband’s wishes and does not care about my suffering. Medical confidentiality is not part of this doctor’s tool.

“I have tried to leave and was pushed back by the security agents and it is clear I am unable to do so except through other intermediaries.

“My passionate plea is to be allowed to leave peacefully as I no more wish to exist under this prevailing state. In the event that I die, please note that this must have been brought about by my husband. I wish to make it categorically clear that I have no intention of taking my own life. I have completely lost trust in my estranged husband.

“The possibility of the doctor injecting me with a lethal substance must never be underestimated. I have a friend who is a good friend of the family and would collaborate a lot in the event of any mishap to me and wish not to mention the name but he would contact you ultimately.

“I am begging you to help facilitate my release and bring my suffering and ordeal to an end.”


  1. The so-called elders not leaders of this country were devil incarnate.The govnor should be tried in the court of law but the most unfortunate aspect of it,is that,Nigeria laws is for poor and not the rich.Which way Nigeria?

  2. What on earth is happening? Please let Udi elders interven and settle this matter before a soul is lost. May I ask, is it that this woman does not have family? If something happens to her, it will be the shame of Igbo people! South East Council of Traditional rulers please help!

  3. Charity begins at home. Mr Governor, if u,re tired of ur wife, u,re free to go for divorce. Why subjecting her to this kind of torture? Power intoxicate so they say. If u cannot manage ur family wonder how u will manage Enugu state, Let this medium be a warning to u, pray nothing happens to Clara for all Nigeria women will rise against u. Nigeria Leaders Fear God, come out of occultism & seek God.

  4. That Chime is Devil reincarnation,he does not want the wife to continue her christianity so that his devilish power will not be exposed and destroyed, but God Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ bigger than him, he will die a shameful death while the woman live long.but the NHRC should sue him and release the woman than keeping quite

  5. Unbelievable,!!!! GOD come an vindicate this woman. Woman nothing will happen to you for voicing out.my bible says “he dat goes to the lord for safety shal abide under the protection of almighty GOD psalm 91” what ever sin you might have commited,he has no right to subdue you to dis kind of wickedness. Human right lawyers please take action immediately,Nigeria medical association were are you ?pls dat doctor shld lose his licence.Nigerians are waiting……

  6. sullivan chime who almost lost his life to cancer but for d mercy of God was speared,am really surprised this is happening in this era pls president Jonathan should as a matter of urgency intervene,Chime should b called to order this minute he has no control over her life

  7. what has this young lady done to deserve all these maltreatments? The power you are given should be used in serving the general public towards promoting their well-being not imprisioning your own family

  8. its all lies…pls nigerians stp al ur lies…d lady in d pic z nt even clara chime.do smtn reasonable wit ur tym dan fabric8 tinz…z it nt d same clara chime dat has been gracing occasions sinx d past few months

  9. this story is not true, i agree the gov may be having issues with the wife but the story has exaggerated it. there are questions to ask before we rush into conclusions.1. was she still in the cell when the gov was away for months for medical treatment abroad, 2, Enugu is a civilized state, why has no NGO intervened in the matter. 3. why has she not file a divorce for the past four yrs even when her life is under threat. 4. why is her family watching her pass all through this without being bordered. 5. can’t she get a lawyer to help out. 6. why is this story not published in any of the national newspapers, and many other questions.

  10. I wondered y we quickly jump into a conculution wen listen 2 one side of d story. We should nt 4get dat every story had 2sides, wen listen 2 1 then, watch 4 d other side. I am nt disagreein clara’s statement neither do i greed wit wat she said, all am sayin s dat we cant be fair if we use dis post and accuse d Chime without hearin frm s own part.

  11. @ Amene can u shut up and discuss on the matter at hand rather than being tribalistic.Is your Gov d best?is bcos they dieing in silence?.Chime is an individual like you,his actions are very inhuman.it is his personal life not d IBOS.

  12. Clara when the going was sweet,did you tell the world ? When the 1st wife left did you ask why? Please stop exposing your family issues,every family has one.You blamed him all true,who knows what prompted his actions if your accusations were true…find a way to resolve your family matters…

  13. I am amazed dt most people reason like nonentities in this 21 Century. U just heard one side of a story u let ur mouth loose and talk craps here. I dnt know Gov Chime bt be reasonable and nt quick to draw conclusion.

  14. I have read the governor’s side of the story and the wife’s side.from the governors side ,it is like the wife is having mental imbalance or things like that which lead to such deprivation from public.in any case,it my prayer that they will resolve their differences amicably and continue with life.may the prince of peace take hold of them in JESUS NAME.

  15. Please for God,s sake,women should realize that marriage should be enjoyed not endured.anything short of that is deceit.if you find yourself in any situation that is unbearable do speak out.this is not a blame game.my advice to any woman that is abused either physically or psychologically is ,please leave the scene.No bible supports I’ll treatment.

  16. This is a very big lesson for women that jumps to the highest bidder, she left her husband who has paid for her Darry,because of reaches and fame, am sorry it has back fired. And for all these sentimental commentators, it’s and advice for you. First try to hear from both parties,that’s what makes you a good judge. Been a governor or in any sensitive public office, you should not allow any member of your families to intervene or make any unwarranted comments. That’s the ethics of the practice. I hope all these sentimental commentators are understanding me. To be in power entails a lot of disciplines. So for the the wife of the governor, I had she has been interfering in the governors decisions which is against the ethics to the extend of meeting the First Lady of the federation about how powerless she is in the governing the state. What she always want and her mission before marring the governor is power and wealth. If she is a good woman for all I know the governor, he can never subject her in such situation. She is not wise. It’s all goes to,all you commentator commenting like dunes, (some said he is a witch, some said he is that he is that,commenting like illiterates) it is all this illiterate thinkings and soft spot for issues that is killing our dear country. call a spayed a spayed take action,that is why every American is very proud and straight. When they commit, they face the consequences without seeking for favor or mercy because it is the ethic and it is stated clearly in the constitutions. It is other way round in our case. Finally what am saying is that, their must be something that warrant that subjections and we should reason before commenting and insulting. One very important word from me to you women, A WOMAN MUST BE UNDER HER HUSBAND, WESTERN TRENDS ARE KILLING YOUR PEACE WITH YOU HUSBAND. A word is ok for a wise.

  17. This is a very big lesson for women that jumps to the highest bidder, she left her husband who has paid for her Bride prize because of riches and fame, am sorry it has back fired. And for all these sentimental commentators it’s and advice to u First try to hear from both parties that’s what makes you a good judge. Being a governor or in any sensitive public office, you should not allow any members of your families to intervene or make any unwarranted comments. That’s the ethics of the practice. I hope all these sentimental commentators are understanding me. To be in power entails a lot of disciplines. So for the the wife of the governor, I heard she has been interfering in the governors decisions which is against the ethics, to the extend of meeting the First Lady of the federation about how powerless she is in the governing the state. What she always wanted and her mission before marring the governor is power and wealth. If she is a good woman for all I know, the governor can never subject her in such situation. She is not wise. It’s all goes to all of you commentator commenting like dunes, (some said he is a wizard, some said he is that he is that,commenting like illiterates) it is all this illiterate thinkings and soft spot for issues that is killing our dear country. call a spade a spade take action,that is why every American is very proud and straight. When they commit they face the consequences without seeking for favor or mercy because it is the ethic and it is stated clearly in the constitutions. It is other way round in our case. Finally what am saying is that, their must be something that warrant that subjections and we should reason before commenting and insulting. One very important word from me to you women, A WOMAN MUST BE UNDER HER HUSBAND, WESTERN TRENDS ARE KILLING YOUR PEACE WITH YOU HUSBAND. A word is ok for a wise.