VIDEO: Newscaster Caught Looking at Bikini Pictures LIVE On Air


This is the embarrassing moment a newsreader was caught looking at bikini photos live on air.

ARD’s presenter for news show Tagesschau, Jens Riewa, appears to be struggling with something below his desk as the camera zooms in to him.

And it soon becomes clear exactly what that is, when a woman in a skimpy bikini pops up on the screen behind him.

Hurrying to try and remove the incriminating image, he ends up scrolling through a series of similar ones.

While he tried to cover it up at the start by talking, he freezes completely after the third and fourth photo, barely hiding a smile.

After an awkward pause he finally begins his news report and someone in production helps him out by firing up the right image behind him.

The video was uploaded on YouTube and has already had over 300,000 hits from amused viewers.