No Automatic Shirt, Brace Up for the Task Ahead- Keshi Warns Ideye.

Super Eagles head coach Stephen Keshi has reiterated his stance that every player must fight for his shirt.

The former Mali and Togo tactician sounded a note of warning to Dynamo Kiev of Ukraine forward, Brown Ideye, who was a guest at the Eagles Team B camp in Port Harcourt last weekend. The home-based Eagles have been putting finishing touches to their acts ahead of the 2014 African Nations Championship (CHAN) in South Africa.

Ideye was in hand at the team camp to encourage his teammates and also used the opportunity to assure the coaches of his state of fitness ahead of the 2014 Fifa World Cup in Brazil.

Brown Ideye Backs CHAN Eagles to Perform.
Brown Ideye Backs CHAN Eagles to Perform.

Keshi, nonetheless, challenged him to brace up for the battle ahead, stressing he has discovered new home-based players, who are hungry for a Super Eagles shirt.

The easy going forward remained confident and said he was prepared to equal the task ahead as Nigeria look to improve on its performance in their fifth appearance at next summer’s football mundial.

“Sir, they are welcome, the more the merrier,” Ideye responded.

He also said he believes the departure of some key players from the squad wouldn’t hinder their success.

“My mates will do well at the CHAN tourney because we have a good team and a very good technical crew backed by a performing NFF,” he added.

Nigeria will be making a debut appearance in the third edition of the CHAN tournament, scheduled to kick-off January 11.