Urine Trouble: Student Accused Of Peeing On Cop’s Head


A college student in Albany, N.Y., has been accused of pissing off a police officer by peeing on his head.

Police arrested Noah McCall, 19, early Sunday morning while breaking up a wild party at Pi Kappa Phi, Bro Bible reports.


Officers showed up at the scene at about 3:20 a.m. and observed several people inside and outside of the residence consuming alcohol and making a racket, according to The Smoking Gun.

While the officers were shutting down the party, McCall allegedly “urinated off the rear staircase directly onto a uniformed police officer,” police noted in the arrest report. McCall’s urine allegedly dribbled on the cop’s head and face.

The officer was taken to a local hospital to be treated for “bodily fluid exposure,” according to the police report.

Shortly after the incident, McCall was taken into custody and charged with third-degree reckless assault, according to TimesUnion.com.

He also was charged with possession of a phony Florida driver’s license, The Smoking Gun reported.

Luca Quinn, 19, a resident of the home, was also arrested after he was found to be in possession of brass knuckles, WNYT.com reported. Both McCall and Quinn were later arraigned.

While at the scene, police noticed unsafe conditions in the home and requested an investigation of the Pi Kappa Phi frat house.

An inspection on Sunday deemed the building unsafe and uninhabitable,TimesUnion.com reported.

The Pi Kappa Phi frat house is not recognized by the University of Albany because of a history of hazing, including an incident in November, 2012, where pledges were forced to lie face down in a basement filled with water and then beaten with rubber hoses and paddles, TimesUnion.com reported.