Missing Schoolgirls: Saraki Seeks Support Of International Community In Rescue Efforts

bukola-saraki-479x300Former Governor now Senator representing Kwara Central in the upper chamber of the National Assembly, Dr. Bukola Saraki, has canvassed international assistance to rescue the over 200 girls abducted from a secondary school in Chibok, Borno State.

In a statement yesterday, Saraki commended Nigeria’s security forces for their “unwavering efforts in trying to locate the children abducted from Government Secondary School, Chibok”.

The statement said: “Since this ugly incident occurred, it has been evident that these rescue efforts require the full support and cooperation of both Nigerians and our friends and allies in the international community – especially those that share our borders.


“Nigeria has always demonstrated that it is always ready to extend its hands in support when there is a crisis in the international community – as demonstrated by our continental peacekeeping efforts. It is time for the international community to do the same.

“Given the terrain of the concerned area, the same level of technical support that the international community has provided in trying to locate the missing Malaysian Airline flight MH370 must at this time be extended to Nigeria.

“The degeneracy of this abduction has demonstrated that now more than ever, the world must come together to combat terrorism for the sake of our shared humanity.

“Nigeria will embrace every act of support from our friends. No meaningful efforts are too small, and no attempts to bring back our girls will be considered insignificant.

“With the reports of the abducted girls being ferried to neighbouring countries – fluid intelligence gathering and sharing at this time is also highly crucial. This is why I would like to also appeal to our friends and allies to provide our security agencies with any relevant information that will help in completing this mission”.

Saraki called for support for the military “in every way possible – in the same way that our political resolve must continue to remain strong”, adding that “as a country, we must remain unrelenting and unanimous in demanding that the abducted girls be united back with their families”.

The former Kwara governor urged the Federal Government to update the world on the progress being made so far as well as the challenges being met with the rescue efforts.

“This is no easy task; to surmount this, we must all work together.

“All hands must be on deck. Together, we can bring back our loved ones”, Saraki said.