Boko Haram Insurgency Makes Break-up Less Likely – Soyinka

The current security challenges being faced by Nigeria, occasioned by attacks from the Islamist group Boko Haram has been described by Nobel Laureate, Wole Soyinka as greater carnage than a secessionist Civil War, which he says has ironically made the country’s break-up less likely, Reuters reports.

Soyinka said the horrors inflicted by the militants had shown Nigerians that unity between Muslims and Christians might be the only way to avoid even greater sectarian slaughter, as the country witnesses bloodshed Soyinka regards as worse than during the 1967-70 Civil War when a secessionist attempt by the Eastern region nearly tore the country into ethnic regions.

“We have never been confronted with butchery on this scale, even during the civil war.


“There were atrocities during the war, but we never had such a near predictable level of carnage and this is what is horrifying,” Soyinka said.