British Police Waiting On Jewel Swallowing Thief To Excrete $14k Ring


British police has accused a man of swallowing a stolen $14,000 diamond ring, an incident which have kept him in jail for a month, as the Police wait for his digestive system to produce the evidence. UPI has more:

Investigators said Rayhanur Choudhury, 22, swallowed the 18-carat white gold ring set with emerald-cut diamonds Nov. 16 when a shopkeeper at Exclusive Jewelry in Brighton noticed it had been swapped out for a fake and called police.

Sussex police said Choudhury has been in custody at Lewes Prison since the theft. But he has yet to pass the ring through his digestive system after a month.

“The missing ring is very chunky and certainly not something you would ever want to swallow,” Sabina Palermo, manager of Exclusive Jewelry, told The Telegraph. Choudhury, who was denied bail, is due back in court Dec. 17.

“The process is to wait for the ring to pass through the suspect’s system. An X-ray did not reveal the ring and the prison has been made aware,” a police spokesman said. Choudhury, who is also accused of stealing a bottle of perfume from Boots, is facing charges of theft and possession of cannabis.

