73-Year-Old Man Punches A 300-pound Bear To Defend His Dog


A 73-year-old California man who punched a 300-pound bear that appeared to be attacking his dog said he would do it again to protect his beloved pets. He was reports as saying, don’t mess with Carl Moore’s “babies.” Even if you happen to be a bear. UPI reports:

Carl Moore, of Meadow Vista in Placer County, said he heard his Chihuahua, Lacy, whimpering in fear last week outside his home. He came out to find the bear trying to get past a low gate on his deck.
Moore said he immediately decided to show the bear he was not afraid.

“The man or beast that I run from ain’t been born, and his momma’s already dead,” Moore told KHTK-TV. Moore said he ran straight toward the bear with his arms raised. “I raised both hands in the air and I cussed at him, ‘Rrraaaaaaa! Get out of here you [expletive], and he looked at me like ‘Go eff yourself,'” he said.

Moore said the bear retreated up a ramp leading to the deck before turning to face him. “Boom, I hit him good,” Moore told KXTL-TV. John Sargent, who lives in Moore’s home and works for his contracting company, witnessed the incident. “He whips to the right and hit him with a right… it was crazy,” Sargent said.Moore said he’s no stranger to using his fists — he served in the U.S. Marine Corps, spent time as a boxer and worked as a bouncer in Texas bars.