IG Sets Up Screening Committee On Police Promotion

Solomon-AraseA high-powered committee to screen all junior police officers who have obtained higher educational qualifications for promotion into the rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police and Inspectorate cadres, has been constituted by the Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase.

A statement issued in Abuja on Thursday by the Force Public Relations Officer, DCP Emmanuel Ojukwu, said the State Command interviews are slated for July 1-6, 2015 while Zonal screening is from July 16-22.

The statement noted that the exercise “is part of the welfare package aimed at boosting the morale of the Force”.

It added that the IG stressed that the exercise must be fair and transparent, noting that the result of the interview must reach the Force Headquarters on or before July, 28.


  1. Sunday Agada from Kaduna state.We the rank an file of the Nigeria police force, that has higher qualification such as BSC, BA,LLB,HND,ETC are appealing to our father, president of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari, vice president of Nigeria yemi Osinbanjo an Sanates of Nigeria to please an considered us. Because all our hopes is on them ,an we have a strog blieve that you people will hear our cry has your children