Military Tactics Alone Cannot End Boko Haram Insurgency – Onaiyekan

John Onaiyekan
John Onaiyekan

The Catholic Archbishop of Abuja, Cardinal John Onaiyekan, at the weekend advised that there must be somebody who can talk to Boko Haram militants. He noted that only military strategy cannot end the crisis.

Speaking in Abuja at the 2015 Catholic Television of Nigeria (CTV) dinner with the cardinal said: “I noticed that since we have been taking security very seriously live has been made extremely difficult for everybody.”

He, therefore, urged Nigerians to continue praying for possible solution, saying God can do all things.


“What happened in Mali can happen here. We do not need people to cause this kind of great calamity. The question is how do you create a situation where such things don’t happen? It is not easy but you can do all you can to put security apparatus around but you cannot do it in such a way that no bad people will move around.

“As a spiritual leader, the solution is first we should pray because God can do everything. Secondly we should look into our religious messages, because many of these terrorists are also calling the name of some religion, calling the name of God. But we must find a way of letting them (Boko Haram members) know that this is not what God wants.

“I personally do not know how to achieve this but I believe that a lot still needs to be done. When you (government) reply fire for fire I am afraid it does not solve the problem. So apart from military tactics there is need for more effort as political discussion, reaching out to people. Even the terrorists are human being born of a woman with feelings.

“I am sure somebody somewhere can talk to them.”