Donald Trump Under Pressure Ahead Of Second US Presidential Debate

Donald Trump, the presidential nominee of the Republican Party in the United States is on his way to the Missouri city of St. Louis for the second presidential debate against rival Hilary Clinton of the Democratic Party.

The weekend in view of the US presidential race for Trump was nothing other than silly comments, damage control, an apology and mass exodus of Republican leadership support.

Trump will be under pressure having been adjudged by many polls to have lost the first debate to Hillary having appeared unprepared. The Debate will begin at 9pm and will be televised on CNN.

donald trump
Donald Trump


Trump landed in hot water in the weekend over sexist comments he made which were revealed in an audio recording.

Washington Post released a recorded conversation between him and Billy Bush back in 2005 where he bragged, ”When you’re a star, you can do anything, grab them by the p*ssy, I moved on  her actually, she was down in Palm beach. I moved on her and I failed. I did try and f**k her, she was married,” before adding, ”I moved on her like a bitch”.

This caused outrage as even the Chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), Reince Priebus, expressed his disappointment in Trump’s comments. He, however, is travelling with Trump to the debate alongside former New York City Mayor Rudy Guiliani. Vice presidential candidate Mike Pence will resume travel schedule Monday.

Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, sent out a photo on her Twitter feed this afternoon confirming the trip to the debate.

SEE ALSO: Melania Trump Says Her Husband’s Lewd Comments Are ‘Unacceptable’