“When you mention Jesus during sex, he smiles” – Marriage counselor Ludderodt

'When you mention Jesus during sex, he smiles' - Marriage counselor Luddrerodt

George Ludderodt, a controversial marriage Counselor has stated that Jesus smiles whenever his name is mentioned during sex.during sex.

According to Lutterodt, Prophet Kumchacha’s statement of it being a sin when people scream Jesus’ name during sex, an act that would eventually take the person to hell, is all but very false.

Kumchacha stated a few weeks back that;


“Whether you are making the love with your husband or your boyfriend, once you scream the name of Jesus Christ while in the act there is no way you will not go to hell.

God is not his personal property it is the omnipresent God we all know. Read Exodus 21:1-7 it says you should not mention the name of God in vain. So while being romanced if you are mentioning the name like that you commit a big sin. If care is not taken you could be flogged one day by invisible hands while in the act”

Speaking from his base in the United States, Ludderodt said Jesus in fact smiles when his name is being called while people are enjoying sex.

The counselor went on to say that Kumchacha knows nothing about the topic reason he made such a statement.