Why I Picked Female Running Mate – Fintiri

Why I Picked Female Running Mate – Fintiri
Ahmadu Fintiri

Adamawa State governor and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) governorship candidate for the 2023 election, Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri has stated that his decision to pick a female running mate was part of a strategy to win re-election.

Fintiri left his deputy, Chief Crowther Seth, a seasoned politician, for a female academic, Professor Kaletapwa Farauta ostensibly in response to the emergence of a female governorship candidate, Senator Aishatu Binani, of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Speaking at the official unveiling of Professor Farauta yesterday at the Government House in Yola, Governor Fintiri said the choice of a female running mate was strategic for the PDP in the coming election.

“The choice of Professor Farauta, the Vice Chancellor of Adamawa State University, Mubi, is a painstaking and strategic one for our party and our state.

Also Read: Fintiri Unveils Female Running Mate, Farauta

“She comes to the ticket with a rich pedigree and vast knowledge, experience and expertise that can add tremendous value to the campaign and administration of the state if subsequently elected,” he said.

Fintiri also refuted media reports that he unceremoniously dropped the serving deputy governor for Farauta, saying the decision was taken with the consent of Chief Seth.

“I am not dropping him. We were elected on the same ticket with a mandate of a 4-year term and by the grace of God, we shall complete that term as mandated by the electorates. The true position is the fact that, as we get set to seek for a renewal of mandate, we have found it expedient, with his consent and understanding to bring on board a fresh hand to join the ticket,” he said.