Sallah: Christians Join Muslims To Clear Grasses On Kaduna Praying Ground

As part of efforts to extend peace and harmony among Nigerians, Christians on Saturday joined Muslims to clear grasses at the Kaduna Mosque praying ground as a way to strengthen ethnic and religious relationship.

It was gathered that the Christian youths, comprised of men and women, said their action was part of efforts towards promoting religious tolerance among the different religious communities in Kaduna and the country at large.

Ms Jessica Akila and Mercy Bajumi, members of the community Peace Observers (CPO) in Kachia Local Government Area and working under the Community Initiatives to Promote Peace (CIPP) in the State, explained that they attended the exercise which took place at the Eid praying ground.

According to them, this was the second time some volunteer Christian youths, women, religious and community elders in the area have joined their Muslim brothers and sisters in large numbers to clear grasses and get rid of trash in the Mosque premises which is the venue for the Eid El Kabir prayers.

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They stressed that they came to clear all the grass to beautify the Mosque premises and the general environment.

Speaking also, Mr Daniel Bitrus, a Christian youth leader and the team leader of the Community Peace Observers (CPO) in the area, added that they embarked on the exercise to promote religious tolerance, and better understanding among faith adherents.

“We came here to support our Muslim brothers and sisters towards clearing the environment around the mosque, with sole aim of promoting peace and unity,” he said.

“We were here last year and by the grace of God we are also here today to do the needful.