Firefighter Slumps, Dies As Fire Razes Enugu Market

A tragic incident has occurred at the Auto Parts Market, Coal-Camp, in the Enugu North Local Government Area, resulting in the loss of a fire officer’s life.

Confirming the incident, the Director of Enugu State Fire Service, Okwudili Ohaa, explained in a statement made available to journalists that the unfortunate event happened on Wednesday, December 13, 2023.

He noted that the fire officer, identified as Engr. Chigozie Ugwu, collapsed and passed away after successfully extinguishing a fire that had erupted in the state’s Motor Spare Parts Market, commonly known as Tinker.

According to him, the fire service personnel had arrived at the scene around 1:15 am, utilizing three trucks to combat the incident that had originated from a shop in the market at midnight.

A fire incident scene.

The fire was said to have damaged goods worth millions of naira before it was successfully put out by the late staff and his team who unfortunately died after the battle.

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Ohaa said: “He was a dedicated officer, who loved to lead by example. He was my best fire officer.

“He was not actually supposed to come to work because he was still recuperating from an illness but due to his passion for the job, he decided to join the team.”

“We are in pain, in sorrow and grief after our efforts to resuscitate the officer by rushing him to the hospital and medical experts attending to him failed,” he said.

“We have been able to quench the outbreak that took us more than two hours. It was a huge one.”