Why The Future Will Remain Bleak For Nigerian Youths – Mantu

Ibrahim-MantuFormer Deputy Senate President, Ibrahim Mantu, has said that except Nigerian youths embrace opportunities through skills acquisitions, the future of will continue to remain bleak.

Senator Mantu, who stated this, Tuesday, in Abuja, during the Royal Commonwealth Society Day celebration, listed countless opportunities in skill acquisitions such as carpentry, masonry, plumbing, hair-do, automobile repairs, farming, and so on and added that the youth will continue to be a willing tool in the hands of mischief makers if they were not gainfully employed.

He said:  “There are countless opportunities through enterprises and unless and until our  youths embrace these opportunities through enterprises, their future will remain bleak and they will remain ready tools in the hands of mischief makers who would always engage them to do evil.

“Our youth have embraced restiveness and violence as the best way of seeking redress. They set places ablaze, maim and kill innocent people with reckless abandon. They are ready tools in the hands of mischief makers for destruction and all sorts of crimes.

“Certainly if the Nigerian youths were gainfully engaged, they would not be readily available for committing these heinous crimes.”


  1. He is not saying this with good intention just to make sure nigerian youths never thing of coming to that aso rock. And what has he done to help in those areas he mentioned?, nothing. Wicked set of people.