Sanusi Not On Facebook, Twitter – CBN

sanusi1The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has said that its Governor, Malam Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, does not operate an account in the social media – Facebook, Twitter, 2go and so on.

This clarification was contained in a statement signed by the Director, Corporate Communications, Ugochukwu A. Okoroafor.

This disclaimer became necessary following recent postings on social media platforms purported to have been made by the CBN governor.

However, the statement reads: “We wish to state unequivocally as follows: that the Governor currently has neither a facebook nor Twitter account; that any such account, purported to belong to the Governor is fake; that in the last six months, there have been deliberate efforts by unknown elements to use the internet, with its social media extensions, to tarnish and malign the image and reputation of the CBN Governor.”

The bank maintained that any such statement or post, purported to have been made by the CBN Governor is false and that efforts at tackling this menace “had been yielding positive results as over 100 of these fictitious accounts had been closed with the collaboration of the Facebook authorities.”

The apex bank further revealed that while the relevant law enforcement agencies have been duly notified of these developments, there is a criminal case against one of the elements using these channels to defraud unsuspecting members of the public.

“We, therefore, urge members of the public to disregard these fake accounts and their false and malicious contents as they are calculated to deceive the public malign the reputation of the CBN Governor and cause disaffection in the country,” the bank stated.