There will be no Power Failure in Centenary City – GEJ

President-Goodluck-Jonathan-480x300President Goodluck Jonathan has informed that the planned Centenary City to be built in the country, as part of the celebrations of the 100 anniversary of the amalgamation of the country, will be such that there will be no power outage, among other benefits.

The president made this statement on Thursday night at an investors dinner he organised to seek for the support of top CEOs of companies in the country as part of activities lined up for the country’s centenary celebrations.

According to him, “Nigeria, with our size and population, with the size of our economy, we should have a city where somebody will not need to carry a cylinder to go and look for gas; where somebody will not generate his or her own power; where somebody should not sink a bore-hole to get water; where somebody should not need a maiguard (security man)…”

The President stated that his administration has faith in the private sector and that the centenary city which will emerge as one of the best cities in the world will be a national asset where Nigerians will invest in for posterity, assuring them of transparency at all times. The new city which will be located near Abuja will have modern features including a conference centre that will be the first of its kind in Africa that can host all global events within Nigeria.


  1. see this man,what is he calling us, a mull?………this is another way of fulfilling the northern central requirement, after saying there will be no state creation…………….to hell with his almalgenation…….pls dont rout nigeria money to the wrong rout MR. PRESIDENT

  2. Mr president,people are suffering,there is no regular power supply,unemployment is on the increase and you are thinking of building a centenary city that will not benefit the masses.Why are you so wasteful by nature?If you dont repent, God‘s judgement will be upon you.You got to the throne and you never think of the masses.God will judge you.

  3. This is unaceptable. Wasting such a huge amount to build another city for the north in a country u dnt knw its future due to d insurity is unreasonable. This is another plot to further widen the gap btw the rich and poor. Neglecting the whole country in bad condition to invest on building a city for first class among the rich could attract the wrath of God.

  4. I see your senses has flown Mr. President.For the first time in my life I ve to speak against you,Abuja is not enough for the northerners right? Go ahead and build another shangrilla or whatever city for them to return you to power because I see you are obviously afraid of them.You forgot the promises you made to youths that massively voted for you,you forgot the south-east that delivered you.Maybe I need to remind you,you once had no shoes.