Molesters To Get Life Sentence As Reps Approve Bill


The House of Representatives Tuesday approved life imprisonment for any person convicted of r*pe. They also approved a minimum of 20 years without an option of fine for persons convicted of gang raping someone.

The bill, which was sponsored by Hon Abike Dabiri-Erewa, also approved 25 years imprisonment for any person who attempted to use chemical, biological or any harmful liquid on another person. (e.g pouring acid on anyone), and 4 years in jail or a fine not more than N200,000 or both for any person convicted of performing female circumcision and general mutilation or engaging someone to carry it out. Aiding female circumcision attracts N100, 000 or two years in jail or both.

With the increasing incidence of rape and use of biological weapons, especially among aggrieved lovers, stricter penalties became necessary.


  1. From Ikorodu Lagos Nigeria. baba(oba of ikorodu) if truely you are still alive please own us atleast a life comment on Television Stations between now and view weeks. In order for i and order peaple of ikorodu, that needed to know the true nature of your health. in order to save the situation on grant. And also to be sure of what we are earing about you around the town. Your Television Live and Direct conversation is needed in order not for Traditional measure to be taken on some matter at high punishment to or on some peaple in the Town now or in the nearest future. Note: lati enu omo ti ki gbo ibi ni pa baba lojo iwa ju.