FG To Blame For Insecurity – Buhari

Muhammadu_buhariFormer Military Head of State and leader of Congress for Progressive Change, Major-General Muhammadu Buhari (retd), has blamed the current insecurity in the country on the Federal Government’s poor handling of the situation.

Buhari particularly laid the blame at the door step of the Goodluck Jonathan administration.

Buhari, who spoke on the Hausa Service of the British Broadcasting Corporation when he visited its headquarters in London on Monday, said the problem of insecurity was not peculiar to the North alone, adding that there was no difference between the Boko Haram sect in the North and the militants in the South-South.

He said, “The problem of terrorism is not confined to the North alone. Insecurity generally should be blamed on the Federal Government.

“The world is very much concerned about two things — the issue of security and economic wellbeing of a nation. Security is number one. A nation can only be economically viable if there is security. But how did all these crises start? How did the crises begin and assume this dimension?”

Noting a connection between kidnapping and bombing, Buhari said, “Up until now, every day, they abduct people and receive ransoms. How was the problem reduced? How did it start? What method was employed to convince them to mellow down?

“Similarly what we  should look at is, how did the  Boko Haram start? We   know all  these. Security is the responsibility of the government.

“It is the responsibility of the Federal Government to know how this thing started and how to go about it. First  and foremost, security is the responsibility of the government; they should know how this thing came about.”


  1. Security is not the responsibilty of the Government all,its every bodies buisness.Since you know all this then profer solution on how to tackle same to the govt,so that if ever contest and win ,it will be a dead issue in Nigeria.

  2. The General(rtd) is right, GEJ said the boko haram people are faceless and that he cannot grant them amnesty, he is the same person that said earlier that he has some B.H member in his Government that means he knows them, yet they are faceless. Since the issue of B.H started the security agency has arrested some of the boko haram members, they should be release since they are faceless. GEJ should settle this people and stop the state of insecurity in the country and stop accusing the Northern leaders for his inability to curb the menace in this nation.

  3. Well said General, but you seem to have SHORT memory here. For we recalled that you this same General who is above the laws of the country dared the govt to come and arrest you. Your colleague Atiku made statements of inevitable chaos (thank God Adamawa is living up to expectations – remember MUBI). The wise saying that ‘he who lives in a glass house, need not throw stones’. Now, the grounds are shifting to APC, as we are beating the war drums if it is not registered. HABA GENERAL!

  4. General Buhari is number 1 of the Northern leaders who have contributed majorly to the insecurity witness in the country today because of his despiration for power not minding the fact that is God that gives power. For him to say that the problem in north is not different from what is experienced in the south is a blatant lie. if is true the country will not be together as one today. let him mention where in the south, the northerners are being killed, with musque bombed on a daily basis as the case is in the north. The norther leaders should just accept the blame for the emergence of boko haram insurgency which could be traced to their poor leadership and failure to use the resourses at their disposal to improve standard of living in the north rather than heaping the blame on FG for the problem they created.

  5. The problem of this country is our Elder, they said General is right by how? Is this General said earlier that he has some boko haram in his Govt. that means he know them And he now said boko haram is faceless means he is lier elder And also said that problem of insecurity was not peculier to the North alone and tell me from where these bomb were blow everytime? in addition General said there is no difference between boko haram sect. in the North and the militant in the south please tell it how militant were damage life of people? please reason.

  6. General Buhari is talking nonsense and is really disappointing that he could come out and utter statements that belittle someone of his status.Let him assume he his incharge of the helms of affairs in this country,he should show Goodluck Jonathan the way out of the problem at hand. I strongly believe with his connections and position,he knows the BOKO BOYS and their sponsorers he can’t deny it.If he can’t assist this present government on the way out then is impossible for him to solve the current problem.So let him keep quiet.

  7. Buhari I put it to you,that you are tinscurity your self. “You said you will make the country un governable”when you failled the last presidential election.you fuel the riot that killed teen N.Y .C member an many other inocent nigerians. Why are talking robish?