Ondo Senator Weeps, Apologises For Giving Support To Girl Child Marriage

Senator-Ayo-AkinyelureThe highly controversial Senate resolution supporting girl child marriage came back to haunt one of its backers as the Senator representing Ondo Central Senatorial District at the National Assembly, Ayo Akinyelure, broke down in tears before members of his constituency in Akure on Monday as he apologised to them, claiming that the voted in error.

The Senator was summoned by his constituents to clear the air over his role in the controversial passage of a resolution to retain the provisions of Section 29 (4) (b) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended), which states that a girl is deemed to be ‘full of age’ once she is married. By implication, marriage determines the maturity of the child whether she is up to 18-years or not.

Venue of the meeting, Adegbemile Hall, was besieged with politicians, women groups and students, who carried placards in protest against what they described as the legalisation of sexual abuse of young girls; which their representative had supported.

But Akinyelure, seeing that his attempt to calm frayed nerves and convince the obviously angry crowd at the tension-soaked session, burst into tears.

The Senator pleaded, explaining that he mistakenly pressed the wrong button during the electronic voting exercise thinking that he was voting against child marriage.

“I am very sorry for this costly mistake. I actually voted in error. I pressed the ‘No’ button during the electronic voting session, thinking that I was kicking against the early marriage. I can never support such barbaric and wicked bill,” he explained.


    • This kind of senator should be asked by his people to come back home. He can also mistakenly press a button in favour of a bill against a need of its constituency. Those tears re crocodile tears,they re not real. Ondo be wise b4 ur representative sell off 4 money.

  1. Well I don’t blame him afterall most of them in that chamber are illiterates who don’t even know left from right. Muscled their way to political power through thuggery and all sorts of diabolical means, how can you claim to vote in error? Is it the first time you are using that equipment? Or can’t you seek clarification from others before pressing the button? Now you are crying like a baby, I wonder why your constituency didn’t even re-call you. Ashawo man.

  2. dis senator claiming he press d wrong button is a disgrace 2 ondo nd generally a disgrace 2 d entire human race……is this d first time he will handle such equipment?….nw burstin in tear 2 gt everybody flattered……..stupid senator nd i surely knw u r d type dat ur children are not in the country so ur stupid suggestion no go affect dem….remember God is watching u

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