SEE The Bad Things This Woman Is Doing With Her Son

Some ladies just have a way of introducing bad things into the world. ModelĀ and actress, Stephanie Seymore is tired of taking raunchy photos with the different men out there now she has resorted to her own sons. She has been creating a lot of buzz online for the provocative new photos she took with her sons recently.

And itā€™s all for the money as an agency is paying her for some of the photos. See more belowā€¦
If you look at her sonā€™s pant in the last pix, youā€™ll see that his John Thomas is breathing. Is this right?


  1. Nigerian Air Force Airmen/ Airwomen
    Recruitment Exercise (BMTC 2014) for
    SSCE/ NECO/ NCE/ND/HND/BSC Applicants The Nigerian Air Force invites application
    from suitable qualified candidates for
    Nigerian Air Force Airmen/ Airwomen
    recruitment exercise (BMTC 2014) for
    SSCE/ NECO/ NCE/ND applicants Basic Requirements and Qualifications The minimum qualifications for
    interested applicants are SSCE/NECO/
    GCE/NCE/ND/HND Applicants applying as
    non-tradesmen and women must be
    between 17 and 22 years of age by 31
    December 2014 and must possess SSCE/NECO/GCE. Applicants applying as tradesmen and
    women must be between 17 and 24
    years of age by 31 December 2014 and
    must possess NCE/ND or any relevant
    trade certificates from reputable and
    approved government institutions/ organisations. Those who will be older than 22 and 24
    years for non-tradesmen and
    tradesmen respectively by 31
    December 2014 need not apply. Applicants with University diplomas
    are not qualified to apply as
    tradesmen and women. Male applicants must not be less than
    1.68 metres tall while female
    applicants must not be less than 1.65
    metres tall. Application Starting Date Online Registration Starts On 20th
    February, 2014 Application Closing Date 27th April, 2014 to apply call 08071630174

  2. Nigerian Air Force Airmen/ Airwomen
    Recruitment Exercise (BMTC 2014) for
    SSCE/ NECO/ NCE/ND/HND/BSC Applicants The Nigerian Air Force invites application
    from suitable qualified candidates for
    Nigerian Air Force Airmen/ Airwomen
    recruitment exercise (BMTC 2014) for
    SSCE/ NECO/ NCE/ND applicants Basic Requirements and Qualifications The minimum qualifications for
    interested applicants are SSCE/NECO/
    GCE/NCE/ND/HND Applicants applying as
    non-tradesmen and women must be
    between 17 and 22 years of age by 31
    December 2014 and must possess SSCE/NECO/GCE. Applicants applying as tradesmen and
    women must be between 17 and 24
    years of age by 31 December 2014 and
    must possess NCE/ND or any relevant
    trade certificates from reputable and
    approved government institutions/ organisations. Those who will be older than 22 and 24
    years for non-tradesmen and
    tradesmen respectively by 31
    December 2014 need not apply. Applicants with University diplomas
    are not qualified to apply as
    tradesmen and women. Male applicants must not be less than
    1.68 metres tall while female
    applicants must not be less than 1.65
    metres tall. Application Registration Starts On 20th
    February, 2014 to apply call 08071630174

  3. This is nothing in the western world, the only worst thing is how they introduces all kinds of evil deeds to our nations and enforces our leaders to abduct it and puts it into law:: May God deal with the Hell out of them…

  4. This is one of tje signs Jesus said we will be seeing when his second coming draws near, Mt. 24:6-15. What the world is worshipping now is money and pleasures.
    Those who have ears let them hear what the Spirit of God is saying, Jesus is the light and salvation. Repent while you have the chance, tomorrow may be too late.
    Those who have turned money to their god cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, Mt. 19:23-24. Jesus declared that whoever want to be his follower must not be self seeking/selfish, Mk. 8:34-38. Learn from the fig tree.

  5. i tenk for allah and i tenk for buhari and our soldger wy because he do his best to be come the end of boko haram in nigeria an we sealfe wear going help buhari wet our prayer to see the end of boko haram i no they canot clear in term bot is gradguwarly allah yakawo muna karshen boko haram in nigeria ameen and wet some litle poiesnest like ashao,arogans i am muhammadu sirajo from nasarawa eggon allah ka taimakemu kuma da kariyanka da ikonka

  6. The world is not coming to an END but, it has already ENDED with out a lot of people’s knowledge today.. Over 99.9% of the bible prophecies has been fulfilled as, the war in Syria today is the starting of the 3rd world war the which the bible called, The dreadful day of the Lord, Armageddon, The great tribulation. Malachi 4-4, revelation 14-11. The singing of the Gay law also, tells it ALL. To read through more amazing massages and true life stories and also learn how u can survive, join, (THE BITTER TRUTH), group in the face, today.. Time is even UP and things will continue to go from BAD to worse

  7. This is definitely a very crazy thing to do for the love of money which definitely will bring judgement upon the boy and the mother because the holy book forbid a child seeing the nakedness of the mother except both will repent and accept Jesus Christ as saviour. The money made is never compared with the sorrow and confusion that goes with the act.