Nigeria Will Overcome Economic Woes From Dwindling Oil Prices: Lawan

Ahmed Lawan
Ahmed Lawan

Senate President, Senator Ahmed Lawan says the country would overcome its current economic challenges as a result of dwindling revenue from crude oil sale.

The Senate president said this on Tuesday while delivering a speech to welcome lawmakers back from a five-week recess declared by the legislature to contain the spread of the novel COVID-19 disease.

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According to him, the decision of the upper chamber to reconvene from recess is “to enable us (Senate) to sustain work on solutions and to ensure that the health crisis does not create further problems that might be much more difficult to deal with.”

According to Lawan, the pandemic had affected this year’s budget not just because of falling oil prices, but also because it had stalled economic activities, leading to an enormous loss of revenue.

“We are confident that we shall soon overcome this crisis, like previous health emergencies. All hands will, however, have to be on deck to register a quicker and more resounding success,” Lawan assured.