Everything We Know About GEJ’s Visit To Buhari


Former President Goodluck Jonathan on Wednesday met President Muhammadu Buhari behind closed doors at the Presidential Villa, Abuja. In an interview with State House correspondents shortly after the meeting, the former president spoke on the wave of corruption cases against former ministers, his role in the Niger Delta unrest and his visit to president Buhari.


On the various cases of corruption so far instituted against his former ministers and aides by the present administration, President Jonathan said;

“I don’t want to talk about that one (corruption cases) because there are too many cases that are in court. It will not be fair to make comments. I will talk at the appropriate time when most of these things are resolved,”

On his role in bringing peace to the Niger Delta, he says;

“It is not just about me but about all the traditional rulers, elders and opinion leaders that are of Ijaw ethnic nationality. We have been in touch to see that peace reigns in the country. Those of you that have followed my talks when I was here (in the Presidential Villa) know that my emphasis is that we need a united Nigeria.

“I always emphasise that Nigeria is great not just about the oil. So many countries produce more oil than Nigeria and nobody notices them.

“We are great because of our size; the human resources we have; and the diversity we have. If we fragmentise the country into small components, we will be forgotten by the world.

“That has been my focal position. Without peace, there cannot be development anywhere in the world. We are all working collectively to see that the issues are resolved.”

According to the ex-president, having been a head of a government, a former President has become a state property, therefore, international engagements that have to do with public addresses and some international assignments become a national assignment. About his visit, he said;

“I came to brief the President about some of my engagements. As you are aware, I will be leading the AU elections monitoring team to Zambia. I came to brief the President about some of this external engagements. It is the tradition,”


  1. we don’t have to blame any body or any past administration for what ever we are facing in the country we have all been sheeted and we have all sheet someone, let just try and understand our differences and make good use of yourself. we are the best creator on earth. tiil tomorrow I stand for ONE NIGERIA ONE LOVE.