Ex-Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi Loses Son To Heart Attack

Mohammed and Abdallah Morsi
Mohammed and Abdallah Morsi

Former Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi has lost his son Abdallah Morsi. Abdallah reportedly died of heart attack on Wednesday night in Cairo, the country’s capital.

Reports have it that the 25-year-old suffered a fatal cardiac arrest while driving. His lawyer, Abdel Moneim Abdel Maqsoud said;

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“A friend who was with him was able to stop the car and take him to hospital”,  Abdel told AFP, adding that Abdallah Morsi’s funeral was set to take place on Thursday.

A family source speaking on the news told Anadolu Agency that Abdallah died at Oasis hospital in Giza.

Abdallah is the son of Egypt’s first democratically elected president who was deposed by the military in 2013 and died in court on June 17, 2019.