Grow But Don’t Blow, EFCC Tells Nigerian Youths


Ibrahim Magu, the acting Chairman of the EFCC, has advised Nigerian youths to shun the trending quest to get rich quickly often described as ‘blow’ and rather grow steadily in a legitimate line of business.

Speaking at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife on Friday, November where he was represented by the Zonal Head of the Commission’s Ibadan zonal office, Friday Ebelo, he further stressed that hard work is the only way to success.

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“At the individual level, every youth must shun all temptation to be corrupt or be corrupted by any means. They must realise that the only way to success is hard work. The fast way only leads to destruction. GROW, don’t BLOW! An attempt to sacrifice steady growth on the alter of a ‘blowing success’ is an invitation to self-destruct,” he said.