China Blocked WHO From Raising The Alarm On COVID-19: CIA

World Health Organisation
World Health Organisation

The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has accused China of blocking the World Health Organisation (WHO) from raising the alarm on COVID-19 in January.

China was also accused by the intelligence agency of stockpiling medical supplies from around the world at the time, reports Newsweek.

Since the outbreak of coronavirus in the world, US, Spain and Russia have been the worst-hit countries with most deaths so far, according to Worldometer.

The Newsweek reports also that the CIA documents reveal that China threatened the world health body that it would stop cooperating with its investigations into the disease if it declared an emergency.

Quoting Der Spiegel, a German publication, the news outlet said China was first indicted for alleged cover-up by German intelligence last week.

German intelligence accused China President Xi Jinping of “personally applying” pressure on Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director-general on January 21.

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Christian Lindmeier, WHO spokesperson, said the Chinese president and Ghebreyesus did not communicate on January 21 or 22.

“Dr Tedros did not communicate with President Xi on Jan 20, 21 or 22. Dr Tedros and his senior team met with President Xi in Beijing on Jan. 28,” Lindmeier said.

“The issue of PHEIC did not come up in that meeting.”

Since the outbreak of the disease, 4,527,823 cases have been reported with 1,706,406 recoveries and 303,438 deaths globally.