No Prophet Predicted Russia-Ukraine War -Shehu Sani

No Prophet Predicted Russia-Ukraine War -Shehu Sani
Shehu Sani

Former federal lawmaker, Shehu Sani, has noted that no prophet predicted the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine.

He made this comment via his official Twitter account on Wednesday.

He also stated that the prophets didn’t not prophecise the collapse of the national grid and ongoing fuel scarcity across the country.

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Recall in the past weeks, Nigerians across the country have experienced fuel scarcity thereby leading to hike in price of petrol. While the national grid has collapsed twice in the last 72 hours.

“At the beginning of the year, none of the ‘Prophets’ prophesied Ukraine, national grid failure and energy crisis,” Sani, who represented Kaduna central Senatorial District, tweeted.


  1. The prophets prophecies what is reveal to them by God. So they cannot say what God has not said. And not all situations need a revelations from God. We all saw the U/R waring coming from the way things were going. But nobody bother to intervene to stop the war When the cloud of war was gathering it did not start in a day Again on the issue of the national grid. You refuse to take your car to maintenance work shop to check whether oil is good or not for decades and you expected it not to break down. No, not possible Even as humanbeings we need a rest in life. That is why in most countries you must take your leave when due There is nothing like l want to exchange for money No way If we refuse to take rest at the appropriate time rest will take us inappropriate time and we all know what that means. If we refuse to leave a stage when the ovation is high then the stage will leave us when the ovation die. Not every situation attract prophecies Some , all we need is wisdom and a good plan ahead. King Solomon did not ask God for prophecies but wisdom We are all praying and God in His own time will make things better for us all. War will cease in U/R, grid will work perfectly and petrol scarcity will be a story of the past. Because for everything that has a beginning must have an end That is why we have season. Read Eccl 3 vs 1 down