Stand-up comedian Atunyota Alleluya Akpobome, also known as Ali Baba, has come under fire from Nigerian media personality Latasha Ngwube for criticizing Nollywood actresses for their sources of income.
Remember how Ali Baba criticized women for having jobs other than acting and questioned how many movies they had to act in before they could afford a million-dollar home?
READ MORE: Ali Baba Lambasts Nollywood Actresses For Over Extravagant Lifestyles
The comedian used the example of an actress he met in Dubai who was sponsored to lounge there and afterwards appeared online to make it seem as though she paid for the hotel fees to support his case. The comic admitted that he is tempted to reveal names.
Reacting to his comment, Latasha says Ali Baba is not the appropriate person to tackle this subject because it is beneath him and reeks of sexism.
Latasha continued by advising him to concentrate on guys as well because many male actors are also acting inappropriately and having sex with (older) women for cash.
She wrote: “With all due respect Uncle Ali, I don’t think you’re the person best suited to take on this topic. I think it’s beneath you and smacks of sexism. There are many male actors who are also doing the “wrong things” and engaged in illicit sexual activity with (older) women for pay and even other senior men.
Your approach sounds like an attack on women when we should be focused on all genders and the pressures they put men and women under with their deceptive lifestyle. P.s. even those you identified that do business, it’s still not guaranteed that their ways are pure”.
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